What is weatherstripping and why do I need it?

What is weatherstripping and why do I need it?

At its core, weatherstripping is the process of sealing openings such as doors and windows in order to prevent water from entering your home and your air-conditioned air from exiting. The term “weatherstripping” can also refer to the materials used to accomplish this purpose.

Making sure your home’s various openings are sealed is important for a few reasons.

To prevent water damage

Weathering of living room. One large window with sunlight coming in to the living room. A small table and humidifier and table are set by the window.

Winter and spring are typically wet seasons here in North Texas. Here at Classic Construction, these are the seasons when we perform most of our leak investigations and water tests. Homeowners will report a leak to their property managers after noticing water stains in ceilings or near windows, then the property manager will call us up and ask us to find the source of the leak.

What we typically find as the cause of these leaks is torn, cracked, loose or missing sealant around windows, chimneys, siding, and flashing. In most cases, repairing or replacing this sealant before the rains come would have prevented this damage to the home. This is why it’s important to inspect and replace your sealants at least twice a year: once before winter and once right after spring.

To keep insects out

We all know if insects have the will, they will find a way into your home. Make it harder for them to find an entrance by making sure the caulking around your tubs, sinks, toilets, and plumbing fixtures are tear-free with no gaps. Inspect the siding around your roof and foundation to make sure it is still in good condition and lays close to the home. If the trim around your doors or baseboards are loose, consider sealing these up as well.

Read more: What is weatherstripping and why do I need it?

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