How to: Weather strip your windows and doors

How to: Weather strip your windows and doors

Many windows and doors in our homes have spots where warm or cool air escapes. To make up for the loss, we tend to adjust the thermostat to keep our home temperature balanced – but it’s a balance that can prove to be costly. Luckily there’s an affordable solution to help you save money from escaping: weather stripping.

Why weather stripping?
While the small holes, gaps and spaces in your home may not seem like much on their own, when you add them together they can make a big impact. In fact, when added up, they can equal the size of a basketball!

Holes and spaces make your air conditioner or furnace work harder and your home less comfortable. Applying weather stripping is an easy solution to better insulate your home and decrease your energy bill. Plus, it’s a cost-effective solution you can easily do on your own.

To get started, search for drafts
An easy way to tell if a window or door needs weather stripping is to place your hand close to the window or door frame and feel for cool air. Make sure to put your hand all around the frame. While it may be airtight on three sides, the fourth side could be letting a cool draft in.

Read more: How to: Weather strip your windows and doors

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