Automotive Rubber Molded Components Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2024

Automotive Rubber Molded Components Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2024

Manufacturing of rubber products has increased significantly across the world. Development of the rubber industry is ascribed to factors such as spatial distribution of resources, technological sophistication in manufacturing, and introduction of wide range of industrially focused products. The manufacture of rubber products can be divided into tire manufacturing and non-tire manufacturing. The non-tire manufacturing segment produces sophisticated and high technology products by molding the uncured rubber, while tire manufacturing segment comprises automotive tire production.

Rubber molding can be defined as the process wherein uncured rubber, usually with inserts of textile, metal, or plastics is cured under high pressure in a mold of desired shape. Most automotive rubber components are manufactured through the molding processes. Generally, three types of rubber molding processes are used: compression, injection, and transfer molding. Under the compression molding process, the uncured rubber is placed in a mold with the sample under pressure for vulcanization. After vulcanization, cavity pressure is applied to the slightly overfilled mold. It is then held closely in a hydraulic press under heated environment to design the shape of the rubber. Injection molding is a semi-continuous process. Piston system and an extruder are combined with heat suppliers in a rubber reservoir, wherein curing of the rubber is done and piston system continuously extrudes the molded rubber out after undergoing all the process. Some basic instructions, such as optimization of the compounds before curing and pressure maintenance of the mold, should be followed during the injection rubber molding process.

Read more: Automotive Rubber Molded Components Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2024

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